Watch the doughnuts dance and have fun to the beat. Dunkin Donuts Advertising Commercial shot at GM Creative Studio.
Dunkin Donuts Commercial
Yet another commercial. The creative process just keeps going. Ideas come and peoples work brings inspiration. The advert is based on the dying idea of Stop Motion. Remember the cartoons from the 90’s before GUI took over. Looney Tunes did it for us.
The Inspiration of Dunkin Donuts Commercial
When ideas come, they truly do. The commercial for Dunkin Donuts is a kind of its own in a way. Filming is done by almost everybody, even people with smartphones. Stop Motion is what truly made the difference. This offers the client something unique and eye catching. Truth be told this isn’t easy. Taking still photographs and animating the object and moving the camera at the same time is quite tedious. You will definitely need spare hands if you even want to attempt something like this. Though I wanted to have the entire advert shot with Stop Motion shots but eventually had to make some videos.
The Setup and Thoughts
Dunkin Donuts was not the first brand on the mind when I was thinking of doing a product video. It was until I stumbled upon having one with coffee a few weeks ago. Well it got me back to the studio with a dozen of them. I was not so very sure as what I was going to do. But it wasn’t too late when it drove me down back in the past. Kids !! Colorful, sweet, fun and music were the key ingredients. Anyhow choosing the brand colors in the backdrop and setting up a two light setup very much did the job. The ball got rolling and here we are ready to showcase our work.