Lemon Meringue food photography

Food Photography with a full setup to show the temptation of a appetizing yet simple dessert.


Tempting Lemon Meringue Food Photography is a simple yet very appetizing looking images. The art of food photography is relatively simple to do. This however takes time to setup the set and design it well to the liking of the client. Different sets need to be created to show different moods. The product will determine what will be the right mood for the food photography.


The setup may look simple but its quite tedious. However there is no rocket science involved. It is advised to connect your camera on a laptop or a separate bigger screen whilst the camera is connected. This is to help you see through the lens and determine if the set has started to take form. 


Taking the pictures with the right kind of light will help eliminate or reduce the Post work. It is essential that you understand the light. This image was taken with window light coming from the right side and slightly angled from the rear. However there is a white board used on the left to fill in the shadows. 

Do note that might have to remove spots from the image when blown up on the screen. With food a lot of particles fall in various places and it remains a challenge to keep the set spotless.

Beware that food photography for Lemon Meringue is also tricky as the cream will start to loosen up and you need spare stored in the fridge just in case.