Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri from the senior management of Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia.
The management of CGC Malaysia has always been keen to participate and celebrate the National Spirit. Be it Merdeka, the Independence Day of Malaysia or the festival of EID. Their charity work and contributions to the community are equally commendable. There can be celebrations within the organization itself but extending to those who can’t afford is a different story. Reaching out to the under privileged is an important part of Credit Guarantee Corporation, Malaysia.
The shoot was planned weeks before it was shot. The key elements of the shoot included the national spirit, brand values, message from the management as one unit. Not only the CEO and senior management participated in the activity but all volunteering staff made sure things went as planned. The participation of the Board of Directors was a cherry on the cake.
The first part of the shoot was conducted at the CEO’s office where a heart felt message for Raya was recorded. Since it was only natural and from the heart, didnt take too much effort. The natural light from the window and two additional LED Strip boxes were required at this stage to shoot. The second location was the mosque nearby. Starting with an aerial shot showing the locality and the green city was a beauty shot. The Hari Raya celebrations took place at the main hall of the mosque with the CEO of CGC Malaysia greeting the esteemed guests and the Directors. The women had their fair share of contribution. It truly felt like a big family coming together at this point. Raya packets were exchanged, great local food was served.
The shots were taken with Sony a7iii on a gimbal where another camera took wider shots of the place as a whole. The last phase of the shoot was a happy conclusive shot of the senior management walk past the hallway with a sense of satisfaction and joy. The conclusion of the shoot happened with the final message by them.