IFN Forums OnAir Case Study : Due to the pandemic almost all companies and organizations face the challenge to sustain. REDmoney Events conducted seminars, forums and conferences physically on location. With mobility affected they had to quickly turn around to Online Solutions. A new brand was born IFN Forums On Air. Now in a short spell an interactive platform was created to offer almost the same benefits and features that off a physical event.
The online platform is ready and it looks good. Big Question? Do people know about it? Are they going to be confident to use it? How to retain the trust? Its new; how is going to function and are they going to be able to use it with ease?
strategy & solution
Time was key and a solution had to come out fast. A prong step action plan was created to address the concern at hand.

Video Production
An animated video was created to showcase the features of the platform. Highlighting the interactivity and uniqueness of the portal. The video also covered a walk-through so users knew before hand how it functions.

Organic Social Media Campaign
Leveraging on the existing social media presence the campaign was quickly launched before the first IFN Forum OnAir event. Using the leverage of partnership the word quickly spread.
the results
Hard work and strategic thinking always pays back. The campaign was a roaring success. The company started getting more subscriptions as an ultimate goal. None the less the social media engagements increased, subscribers start to spread the word on top of it all. Result = Advocacy
Watch the video = Click Here
- Impressions
- Statistics
- Quality Content
The key to successful content is shown by its outcome. User feedback and statistics reveal the real results. Right at the time of launch the numbers started roaring and people started sharing their it on related platforms. People took time to watch the entire video till the end with an average watch time of 72%.
Video did quite well. The organic reach within the first week was recorded at 100k impressions with an engagement rate of 7%. The video also got plenty of shared with boosted the organic growth.
It's more than just numbers. The quality aspect of the content holds a lot of weight. The user satisfaction is key to the process. Users feedback was very positive and the video help them understand the platform in their first interaction.
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