CGC Hari Raya Celebration

CGC-Hari-Raya_Gibran-Mallick-Studio_Video_Credit-Guarantee-Corporation-Malaysia | GM CREATIVE STUDIO

CGC HARI RAYA Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri from the senior management of Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia. See More posts CGC HARI RAYA CELEBRATION The management of CGC Malaysia has always been keen to participate and celebrate the National Spirit. Be it Merdeka, the Independence Day of Malaysia or the festival of EID. Their charity work …

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CGC Merdeka Celebrations

CGC Merdeka Celebration_Gibran Mallick Studio_Video | GM CREATIVE STUDIO

CGC Merdeka Celebration The team of Credit Guarantee Corporation of Malaysia CGC comes out to celebrate Merdaka. See More posts INTRO TO CGC MERDEKA CELEBRATION  Credit Guarantee Corporation of Malaysia known as CGC Malaysia celebrates Merdeka, the Independence Day of Malaysia. The staff and the senior management gathers together at the foot of the building …

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